The constantly evolving wonderlands of statistics and data science offer almost unlimited possibilities to acquire, analyze and present your data.
Making the right choice regarding methodology and tools can be of utmost importance, e.g. to uncover previously hidden insights and thus open up new research fields and hypotheses.
Don't lose the connection!
No matter whether it concerns the publication activities of scientists, the final theses of students/doctoral candidates or the data-analytical orientation/activities of companies and authorities. I help you to make the best use of your environmental data.
Technical support
Your data organization and presentation is outdated? A query to your database takes several minutes? You don't know how to make the data and insights you present on your homepage more intuitive, attractive and in line with the zeitgeist?
I can help you with these and many other problems, e.g. by taking over the maintenance of your databases or data-driven website components.
Data analysis
Everyone knows them, the zombie data. Promising data sets were collected some time ago or over years. But there is no time or know-how to deal with them properly.
I help you unearth your hidden treasures by analyzing your data using the latest methods and tools.